
Are We On The Same Page? Questions Leaders Can Borrow From Mediators

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Leaders, managers and supervisors: you can take pages from a mediator’s book to great advantage for you and your team.

An important part of being a mediator- and certainly of being an effective leader- is ensuring everyone leaves with a realistic plan for moving forward and an understanding of what the next steps are.

As a leader, you can adopt the technique that I discuss in the video to ensure that everyone is getting their needs met and the needs of the organization met too.

Comment below and let me know if you will be implementing this strategy at your workplace!

Kirstin Lund


PS: This is just ONE of the techniques leaders can borrow from mediators. I created a free resource for you that shares eight more strategies you can use as a leader. Download Nine Things Leaders Could Learn From Mediators here.

If you think you would like to learn more about how you can bring mediation techniques to your leadership role, click here to learn more about my Mediation Certificate Program for Managers and Supervisors. SPACE IS LIMITED.

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