
Module 10: Non-Verbal Communication

This is it! The last module before you apply all of your hard work to your practice case. You’ll be awesome.


1 First, watch this 10 second video and follow all the instructions!


2 Now, here’s a tiny little 5 minute video about Non-Verbal Communication (and the handouts: Module 10 Handouts and Module 10 handouts large).

Note: In the second slide, I suggest you pause the video and go watch the ok-sign video “below”. Then I moved the ok-sign video. So, if you’ve already watched it, which I presume you have since you are so good at following instructions, you can just carry on to the last slide in the presentation without pausing. Or go back and watch me again. Your call.




3 And your last bit of homework before you address your conflict (here’s the word doc: Module 10 Homework and pdf: Module 10 Homework)


Module 10 Homework

Module 10 Homework



4 And finally, once you have my feedback to your homework, you can go forth and address your practice case conflict! Email me if you have any questions or concerns. You’ll do great. I can’t wait to hear about your success next week (remember, learning what not to do is success, too…)


