That C Word Podcast
That C Word Podcast: S1, EP 1
That C Word Podcast: S1, EP 2
That C Word Podcast: S1, EP 3
That C Word Podcast: S1, EP 4
That C Word Podcast: S1, EP 5
That C Word Podcast: S1, EP 6
That C Word Podcast: S1, EP 7
That C Word Podcast: S1, EP 8
That C Word Podcast: S1, EP 9
That C Word Podcast: S1, EP 10
That C Word Podcast: S1, EP 11
That C Word Podcast: S1, EP 12
In Person
Collaboration in a Box for Managers, Supervisors, Facilitators and Leaders
The Conflict Decoder
Workplace Mediation
Collaborative Workplaces
Free Resource Hub
choosing your practice case
choosing your practice case
Styles of Conflict Solving
Email Address
Which of the five conflict solving modes are you most likely to choose when you’re faced with conflict? (“It depends” is a fine answer! Which do you use when?)
How has using that mode/those modes consistently impacted you/your relationships?
How has using that mode/those modes consistently impacted how you feel about conflict?
Brainstorm a list of conflicts that come to mind when you think about 1) situations that continue to be uncomfortable and you wish you had addressed differently when they arose or 2) upcoming situations that you know from experience will be uncomfortable for you and you'd like to approach differently.
Which of the conflicts you listed above are 1) high stakes enough that you feel uncomfortable thinking about addressing it, 2) low stakes enough that using it for practice likely won't result in messing up any chance of having a good relationship with the other person or seriously jeopardizing you getting your needs met if you don't do it perfectly, and 3) timely for the course (you'll be preparing to address the conflict for the first 4 weeks and addressing it in week 5 and you'll need to have some control over that schedule):
Which situation do you believe will work best as your practice case? (If you need help choosing, send the form with the next several questions blank and I'll send you some feedback/questions to consider.)
Briefly describe the conflict. Who is involved and what is your relationship?
What triggered the conflict? What has contributed to it since?
How has the conflict impacted you/your relationship?
What do you hope the impacts of addressing the conflict collaboratively will be?